Nov 22, 2009
Just wrapped principle photography on our first film with 144 Films, Hello My Name Is Linda! (where, incidentally, we got to work with LLOYD KAUFMAN!!)

Nov 19, 2009

Tonight was our screening of Only Go There At Night: Darkness Rising at Ramsey Cinema (in Ramsey). Thanks to everyone who came out!
Oct 10, 2009

Thanks to everyone who came out for the premiere! If you missed it, don't worry: there are more screenings in the works!
Sep 26, 2009
After a strenuous few months of post-production, we're please to announce that the our first feature is complete! You can now check out the trailer for Only Go There At Night: Darkness Rising! Don't miss the permiere Octoboer 9th! (get tickets)
Jul 18, 2009
Awesomefarm spends the day in Boonton at the historic Darress Theater holding auditions for our next project, "Hello My Name Is Linda" !
Jun 13, 2009
Awesomefarm trucks it to Connecticut to attend Monster Mania. Q&A's with Jason Mewes, Sid Haig, and BRUCE CAMPBELL!! Also saw the new Friday the 13th, but we prefer to concentrate on the good parts of the weekend...
May 31, 2009
Back to Sayreville, one last time, to finish filming Only Go There At Night: Darkness Rising!
Apr 30, 2009
Awesomefarm was invited to the Tribeca Film Festival by Stephan's cousin, Kevin Andounian, to see his latest film, Midgets vs Mascots. Now we're biased, but it was also pretty damn funny!
Apr 24, 2009
Headed down to Sayreville to shoot the woods scene for Only Go There At Night: Darkness Rising. It was an epic shoot! People actually died!!!
Apr 14-19, 2009
Principle filming of our first feature film, Only Go There At Night: Darkness Rising. It was an intense week; thanks to everyone who participated!
Nov 25, 2008
Stephan realizes he is on IMDB!
Nov 8, 2008
Tonight is the premiere for the 2nd movie Stephan has been in: Blood Trail. Check out the trailer here!
Oct 10, 2008
Tonight is the premiere for Only Go There At Night, Stephan's first movie!
Oct 2, 2008
"Let Me Be FRANK", our round 2 entry in Rootclip's video contest, Doctor Frank.
Sep 10, 2008
"Wrong Place, Wrong Time", our round 5 entry in Rootclip's video contest, Chance Encounter.
Aug 24, 2008
"Back in Black", our round 4 entry in Rootclip's video contest, Chance Encounter. Now with extra Rocket Launcher!
July 21, 2008
We redid our movie section, and now have a few more up, with youtube as a our host. Check them out at the movies page
June 26, 2008
Awesomefarm took some pics at the Gravity Vault, a rock climbing gym in our area, for a bouldering competition with Matt Stark.
June 22, 2008
Pictures are Starland Ballroom. Rookie of the Year headlined with some other cool bands, including Crash Romeo and Sherazada.
Apr 24, 2008
New About Us section added!
Bios, information about our equipment, and more, coming soon!
Feb 28, 2008
The crew has been HARD at work on the Mc Chris Nrrrd Grrrl music video contest! Here's our entry:
Oct 2, 2007
Phew... The crew has been very busy working on projects this summer and has neglected the website hardcore. It's finally gotten an update, including an actual layout! Everything is broken! Enjoy, and be sure: there is more to come, soon!
May 24, 2007
AwesomeFarm Productions Is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!!
May 19, 2007
The Full Version of "Wolf: The Risque Robbers" is now posted! Check it out here, or go to the movies page at awesomeMovies!
Apr 16, 2007
Awesomefarm's entry in the Cellflix Video Contest took 4th place! Watch it on our movies page!
Apr 11, 2007
The unofficial debute continues! We've got our first movie hosted here at awesomefarm, for your enjoyment.
Look for more videos, a forum, and more content to come in the following weeks!
Mar 31, 2007
AwesomeFarm is making its (un)official debut, exactly two weeks after our appearance at the WWTBASH auditions!
Who wants to be a Superhero? This guy!
Look for more awesome stuff, coming soon! (send money!)